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Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Clio Update

We have had Clio now for 3 months and that time has gone really quickly. Thankfully she has not got any bigger otherwise she would be a small horse.
I am still not too sure how I feel about her. At the beginning I loved her because she was quiet, she didn't jump and she did what we said. Now it's a different story. She's found her voice, or shall I say her bark. As she grew more comfortable around us she seemed to turn into what I can only describe as a toddler - she gets told off, has to have timeout and has the biggest sad face.

Along with the barking she has started to jump up. I know that she only wants to play and it is not vicious, but I dont think she realises how big she is. I have got numerous scrathes on my arms, legs and stomach from where she jumps up at me – which I am not impressed about. When she jumps up I can honestly say it scares me. She is so big I have nearly fallen over quite a few times.

Clio has also taken a fancy to shoes (hear the girls scream)! We have a shoe rack by the front door that she takes shoes from and runs into the garden to chew them to pieces. What Clio does, which she thinks is clever, is that she chews nothing indoors - she takes them into the garden to chew. What Clio doesn't understand is that we can see her run from inside the house with the shoe into the garden. I have already lost 2 pairs of shoes; 1 beautiful pair of gold havaianas and a pair of sandals. Thankfully summer shoes which are no longer needed.

What I have managed to do is teach her 3 tricks, which I am so proud of. The first one was sit, which was quite easy as she did that when ever she thought we were giving her food, so all she had to learn was doing it on command. The next one was paw, or as I prefer high 5. This was a little trickier but we got there and now she doesn't stop doing it. The last trick was lay/down. I am so impressed with myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and teaching her these tricks. Now I just need to teach her to roll over and to leave my shoes alone!

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